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Massage is Only for Relaxation, Right?

During my intake interview with a new client last week, they told me that they "just want to relax".  This is often one of the general goals most of us have when we have a massage.  The benefits of massage are numerous:

  • Proven to lower blood pressure.
  • Stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (the "rest & digest" nerves rather than the "fright or flight" responses of the autonomic nervous system).
  • Improved sleep quality.
  • Improved injury or illness recovery.
  • Improved focus, patience, and general mental function.
It's not unusual for massage therapists to receive general information from our clients like "I just want to relax", it's our challenge to see what we can notice that helps us treat what will help each client "relax".  During our treatment I noticed tightness and sensitivity of the Quadratus Lumborum (aka "QL") particularly on the left side.  I spent some extra time treating the tension I found before moving on.  After turning over to finish our treatment, I found that the hip flexors on that same left side were contracted too.  It turns out that there was a trigger point in the Tensor Fasciae Latae (aka "TFL") affecting leg movement and the QL was also aggravated trying to keep the hip tilted at an angle that wouldn't irritate the TFL trigger point.  After our treatment, my client said they felt very relaxed and asked how I knew about his lower back and hip troubles.  After a bit of discussion and education about what techniques I applied, I teased him that next time I want him to give me a little more detail about what's in need of "relaxing".  

We don't tell our doctor only that "we feel sick", we give more descriptive locations and feelings about what ails us.  Remember your massage therapist is a licensed medical professional, giving specific information to help them facilitate your "relaxation" will go a long way toward helping your recovery!

Follow me on twitter @markcfreeman on Facebook, or Instagram.  Email me at with any questions about bodywork techniques, modalities, or if there are any blog topics you want to know more about!


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